Mina Mandic

US  21 years old
My name is Mina Mandic and I am sixteen years old. I live in St. Paul, Minnesota with my parents and my two younger brothers. Sometimes my grandparents stay for long periods of time, and they live in Turkey and Montenegro. I was born in Berkeley, California but moved here when I was four. My aunt and uncle with my two younger cousins live in Pasadena, California. I love to travel. I have a long trip every summer with my family. My parents always have meetings for their jobs in cool places so I like to tag along. My brothers also come but Sava (the youngest) is scared of change. I also am a competitive swimmer so sometimes I travel for swim meets. Other times I travel with my friends.

EspaƱa 2019

May 2019

My dad has a conference in Spain during the summer. We will stay in Valencia.