Mina Mandic

US  21 years old
My name is Mina Mandic and I am sixteen years old. I live in St. Paul, Minnesota with my parents and my two younger brothers. Sometimes my grandparents stay for long periods of time, and they live in Turkey and Montenegro. I was born in Berkeley, California but moved here when I was four. My aunt and uncle with my two younger cousins live in Pasadena, California. I love to travel. I have a long trip every summer with my family. My parents always have meetings for their jobs in cool places so I like to tag along. My brothers also come but Sava (the youngest) is scared of change. I also am a competitive swimmer so sometimes I travel for swim meets. Other times I travel with my friends.

Swimming in Montenegro 2019

May 2019

My dad is originally from Montenegro and I have a lot of family there. We try to visit every year because it feels like home to us. We have a beach house located in Dobre Vode, where we stay most of the time, as well as an apartment in Podgorica. My great grandmother lives in Dobre Vode and we always visit and go to the beach. Since I have Montenegrin citizenship, I am allowed to compete for the Montenegro National Swim Team. I will be competing in the Montenegro Open against other countries such as Russia and Italy.